Creative Blow Mold participates in MFG Day 2017

National Manufacturing Day:

Manufacturing Day is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers. Manufacturing Day occurs on the first Friday in October – this year Manufacturing Day was October 6, 2017.

Manufacturing Day is an annual celebration of modern manufacturing which manufacturers invite their communities – including students, educators, business people, media, and politicians – to their facilities in a collective effort to educate visitors about manufacturing career opportunities and improve public perceptions of manufacturing.

Manufacturing Day at Creative Blow Mold Tooling (CBMT):

On Friday, October 6th, CBMT participated in our second Manufacturing Day event – a nationwide celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers.  Visitors and students from Summit Technology Academy toured our plant location in Lee’s Summit, MO to learn first-hand about careers in the advanced manufacturing industry.  This educational event was created to inspire students to choose careers in modern manufacturing.

“This collaboration highlights Lee’s Summit’s strong educational ecosystem and the strategic collaborations that our partners have designed to help develop and prepare the workforce of the future,” said Jessica Hamilton, Lee’s Summit Economic Development Council’s director of community and investor relations.

“Students gained a better understanding of the skills and education needed to advance in the industry,” Summit Technology Academy Principal Elaine Metcalf said.

A total of 16 STA juniors and seniors observed manufacturing processes in real-time while engaging with engineers, programmers, machinists, and tool makers to learn more about career paths in the advanced manufacturing field.

SME – Society of Mechanical Engineers – Tour at Creative Blow Mold Tooling:

In September 2017, the Kansas City SME Chapter toured our plant location in Lee’s Summit, MO.  A total of 39 SME member students for surrounding Universities and area manufactures participated.  Collaboration inspiring the next generation of manufacturers.